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Our Strategy

The Council works through three strategies based on the national agenda, which is part of the future vision of the United Arab Emirates:

Economic Development

Is based on supporting the UAE labor market and promoting the investment opportunities available inside and outside the country

Knowledge development

Based on the knowledge and reading the basis of creativity and innovation, which are the entrance to build a competitive economy based on diversity and sustainability.

Community development

Based on a team of young UAE nationals qualified to work as volunteers under the name of Ambassadors of the Emirates Volunteer Council to meet the nation’s appeal in all activities supporting the process of development and renaissance in the country.

Our Objectives

  • Enhancing the competitiveness of the UAE labor market and negotiation.
  • Raising the competitiveness of UAE products.
  • Benefiting from preferential facilities and privileges agreed upon under Arab and international laws and trade agreements
  • Supporting and facilitating trade exchange and commercial and industrial partnerships for UAE institutions at the regional and international levels
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses within the UAE labor market.
  • Develop alternative strategies to cope with economic fluctuations and possible changes in labor markets.
  • Identify the most important requirements of the UAE labor market and identify the investment opportunities available within the country and promote them.
  • Studying the environment of the UAE labor market and clarifying the challenges with the proposed solutions.
  • Follow-up and identification of the latest activities and businesses according to the data of the UAE labor market.

Our Policy

The Emirates Council for work Relations Development pursues innovation as the most important policy to stimulate learning and discovery for the purpose of excellence and creativity.

The policy of innovation is adopted in several aspects, the most important aspect in providing excellent services and products in the UAE market and abroad.

The Council also pursues the policy of innovation in ways and means of developing regional and international relations and business.

One of the most important policies of the council is sustainability and we always emphasize that our efforts have a positive impact on the development of the UAE labor market and increase the chances of its presence at the regional and international levels.

Sustainability is intended to maintain a high and advanced level in development of economic, social and knowledge development